57° North

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57° North is an interactive gaming experience which starts when two cousins, who are shipwrecked on a remote island in Alaska, find themselves caught up in a conflict between the locals and a mining company.

57° North is an interactive gaming experience that transports you to a remote island in Alaska, where you’ll join your two cousins as they’re shipwrecked during the summer of their sixteenth year. While starting to explore the island, you’ll discover that it holds secrets and magic within its frozen landscape.

The game is told entirely through first-person experience. You can walk around and interact with objects, listening to sounds and music as you do so. When you come across a hotspot, you’ll see the cursor change into the shape of a hand or a pointing finger. Tapping on it will trigger an action. 57° North is designed to be played on mobile devices—you can play it on your phone or iPad!

The game is played in first person and includes puzzles, adventure, and combat. It was created by the team at Hinterland. The game was released on April 5th, 2017. The game is available for purchase on Steam or GOG.com.

57° North is a first person adventure game that gives you the opportunity to play as Jack and Gwen, two cousins who have survived a shipwreck. The game is a single-player experience and takes place inside a computer simulation of their world. It’s set in present day Alaska, and if you know your geography, you’ll notice that it’s based on the actual coast, where this real life shipwreck actually happened.