3D Mobile Inspector

3D Mobile Inspector is a powerful 3D mobile inspection tool which can be used on any smartphone
or tablet. It enables you to quickly inspect and analyze 3D objects in real time with the help of its
intuitive user interface. The app is designed for professionals who need to inspect parts, components
and assemblies quickly and accurately. With this app, users can easily rotate, zoom in/out and pan
their object in order to get an accurate view of it from all angles. Moreover, they can also measure
distances between points as well as take screenshots of their inspected objects for further analysis.
The 3D Mobile Inspector software enables you to quickly and accurately inspect parts on the go. It is
designed to be used with a handheld 3D scanner, such as the FARO Focus3D or Leica ScanStation
P30. The software allows you to easily capture detailed 3D scans of your parts in real-time and view
them in an intuitive interface. You can also compare different part versions side-by-side, measure
distances and angles between points, calculate volumes and areas, track inspection results over
time, generate reports with customized templates, and much more. With its easy-to-use features and
powerful capabilities, the 3D Mobile Inspector software makes it easier than ever to inspect parts
anywhere at any time.
It is designed for fast
setup and simple operation with intuitive user interface that makes it easy to learn how to use the
system quickly. The software also has advanced features such as automatic inspection, automated
reporting and integration of CAD data into the inspection process. With a wide range of measuring
tools available, 3D Inspection System can be used for virtually any application in manufacturing or
quality control.