3D Lunattack is a Commodore 64 game released in 1984, and it’s still playable with some tinkering. It’s an action game, set in a flight, sci-fi / futuristic and shooting genres.
3D Lunattack was a very popular Commodore 64 game in the late 80s. It was released in 1984, and it’s still available and playable with some tinkering. It’s an action game, set in a flight, sci-fi/futuristic theme, and where you play as a pilot shooting down enemies while flying over waterfalls and other obstacles.
This video game is from the publisher “The Hit Squad” and was first released on Commodore 64. In the early 90s, The Hit Squad went bankrupt and closed its doors for good. After that time, 3D Lunattack became difficult to find and became rare to find in stores or online. Nevertheless, it is available for sale here: http://www.c64-games-online.com/3d-lunattack/3dlunattack.html
Lunattack was released in 1984 for the Commodore 64 as a part of the Action Pak compilation. Its a side scrolling action game, set in a flight, sci-fi / futuristic and shooter style. The player controls a ship, which can fire bullets or use other weapons like missiles.
Its still available and playable with some tinkering. In fact, Lunattack is available on C64 Forever search engine:
The gameplay is quite simple: avoid obstacles, shoot enemies and grab powerups. There are 3 lives, 3 continues and a score based on points per second.
It’s the classic battle between good and evil, earth and space. It’s a game of classic space shooters, but with modern-day graphics. This is 3D Lunattack, originally released in 1984 on Commodore 64.