3 Keys

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A superficial and less than smart social media influencer’s flossing lifestyle takes a hard tumble down when her man goes to jail. When she can no longer rely on her boyfriend for money (he was making her Instagram-worthy meals and buying her gorgeous clothes), she has to start working for herself.

She sees an opportunity to make some money by selling drugs she got from her boyfriend, but that’s where everything comes crashing down for her and she realizes that the hard work of making it on her own is much more difficult than she imagined. Her new boss gives her leeway because he knew her boyfriend but pushes her too far, which causes her to realize that there are consequences outside of one’s own interests and desires.

The film follows an obnoxious, self-centered and superficial social media “influencer” named Megan (played by Claire Danes) as her life falls apart when her boyfriend is arrested for money laundering and tax evasion.