10 Min Daily Yoga

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Do you find yourself dragging through the day, but lacking energy for all the activities you want to squeeze into your days? In just 10 minutes, you can use a simple yoga sequence to give yourself a quick boost of energy before tackling your day. Using this method, you begin with a series of seated stretches that are great for opening up and relaxing tense muscles as well as warming up the core and spine.

These stretches are followed by twists that help to stimulate organs and provide a gentle massage to internal organs. The twists will also help you focus your mind by helping to clear any mental fog. The final series of poses bring together the previous two methods to help energize your body before it’s time to rise and shine. This practice is easy enough that you can do it at any time: while waiting in line, in between meetings at work or even in place of a morning cup of coffee!

Like all exercise practices though, it’s important to listen to your body when doing yoga and don’t push yourself too hard too quickly. Take note of how your body feels throughout each pose (especially if you’re new to yoga) and see how much effort you need for each pose depending on how tired or tight you feel. And remember: if at any point during this 10-minute.

Start your day off right with ten simple yoga poses, performed in their entirety over the course of only about ten minutes a day. The routine will help you to stretch muscles and joints that might be tightening throughout the workday, as well as help to relax muscles that have been used throughout the day. You’ll also be able to focus on clearing your head while preparing for what’s to come, rather than worrying whether you’ll even be able to make it through the day.