The Dark Tetrad

Shes Kori Briggs, super spy. If you havent spent any time with her yet, what the heck are you waiting for? Ive been reading a lot of thrillers recently and…

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A Sinless Season

A Sinless Season is a book by Damon Calcut that depicts a life of common sense, virtue and devotion to Christ. The author describes his conversion to Christianity and how…

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This story is a historical fiction set in the late 1800s. The main character and her father come to Michigan, where they quickly find that she is romantically involved with…

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How It Was

This book is about to set events in motion that she cannot control in a story of unfulfilled dreams and domestic frustration. The novel begins with the discovery of the…

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Nowhere to Hide

The winter hike is meant to bring their nature group together. The winter hike has become an annual tradition for the nature group of friends, and they plan to continue…

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