Companion For Playlists

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Companion For Playlists is a website that finds album recommendations based on your library. It can tell you if there are any related artists to the artists you already follow, or if there are any playlists associated with those artists.

Companion For Playlists will find albums that were added by Artists that you follow or saved to your library (and their related artists). It can also find if there were any updates to the playlists they made.Companion For Playlists runs any time a song is played and checks if it was added by someone you follow or if it was added by an Artist that you have in your library. If it was, then it will check if anyone from the Artist’s related Artists has been recently added. If so, then it will create a new playlist and add all the songs from the related Artists, as well as all of the songs from the current Artist.

The first song is included in the “Play All” section, and all other tracks are added to the “Add Your Own Songs” section of the playlist. This doesn’t actually require any participation on your part, but you can always go back and update your playlists to add more songs for it to use.

When you’re looking for a new album to listen to, you might find yourself scrolling through hundreds of results on Spotify. But what if you’re looking for something specific to your tastes? With Companion For Playlists, you can find artists and albums that other users have saved or discovered in their playlists by following the right steps.