Plant X – Plant Survivor Game 12+

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One of the games I play to relieve stress is called Plant X. It has very cute graphics and offers a fun, relaxing experience. When you start the game, you are asked to choose your species—there are many different kinds to choose from. The idea is that you plant your species in different environments and take care of them so they can mature (and eventually fight each other). I like to think of it as a medieval Darwinism game. The environment effects the type of plants you will encounter and how they will grow. For example, some plants may not survive in snowy areas or on alien planets, but will excel in deserts or jungles.

One way that this game differs from other games like it is that it encourages collaboration rather than competition. You get rewarded for visiting other players’ worlds and helping them plant or harvest their plants. This is a really important aspect because it’s a great learning tool for kids on the Internet, who often don’t have much experience with others online and don’t know what kinds of interactions are okay. This teaches children to be kind and supportive of others—after all, if one player helps another at a crucial moment, they both gain something as a result! Another thing that’s great about this game is that it incorporates sound into

When we were first brainstorming our ideal layout, we were picturing plenty of candlelit entertaining in our future—but before we could get to the dreamy lighting of a dinner party, it became clear that we had to deal with the reality of our dingy dining room. Our primary source of light was a statue of Jack Sparrow (yes, the Johnny Depp character from Pirates of the Caribbean) with a fluorescent bulb glowing in his chest cavity. It gave a horrible, grey-ish cast to its surroundings. We agreed: something better was needed.