RizePoint Mobile-Auditor

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RizePoint Mobile Auditor optimizes quality and operations audits. Save time by streamlining the audit process, and eliminate additional data entry by instantly uploading audit results to RizePoint’s cloud-based user interface. With this product, you’ll be able to: -Streamline the audit process on the go -Eliminate additional data entry by instantly uploading audit results -Integrate your workflows to make auditing more efficient

While the company has been using RizePoint Mobile-Auditor to streamline the audit process, they’ve also been able to eliminate additional data entry by instantly uploading audit results. Mobile Auditor enables [company name] to capture the time and location of devices, as well as any issues found on the device being audited. This data is then stored in a single database and can be easily accessed to identify trends or recurring issues across multiple audits.

RizePoint Mobile Auditor optimizes quality and operations audits. Save time by streamlining the audit process, and eliminate additional data entry by instantly uploading audit results. RizePoint Mobile Auditor can also be used to survey your customers and employees. The system’s simple yet effective interface allows you to quickly create a survey, send it out, receive the responses, and view them with an easy-to-use reporting engine. Survey questions can be built in less than five minutes, so you can easily adapt them to your needs. Results can be presented and viewed in both graphical or tabular format. You will receive reports that include charts and graphs of your results and can easily export the data for further analysis.

The RizePoint Mobile Auditor is a mobile application for barcode scanning and data collection that can be used as a handheld scanner, portable Kiosk, or with a laptop. This application allows employees to perform audits from their mobile device on the spot, without having to send the data back to central databases. It also helps businesses save time by streamlining the audit process and eliminating additional data entry.