The game SIMLIFE is a managerial video game that is available and ready to be played again! Also available on Windows 3.x, time to play a managerial video game title.
SIMLIFE is a simulation game, where players control an entire city, and guides it through to the year 2200. Its unique approach to the genre makes it a stand out title, as most games of this type focus on one aspect of the city (such as utilities or transportation, for example).
The game allows players to build their own city from scratch, starting from a single family and expanding it into an entire metropolis. Its design allows for the creation of large cities with millions of residents, and takes into account the difficulty in managing such a large population.
The game was originally developed by Maxis Software in 1992 for DOS. It was later ported to Windows 3.x in 1993 and Macintosh in 1994 by BlueSky Software, Inc. It is still available to be purchased online, but also comes included with many older Windows computer systems that were produced before 1998.
The game is pretty complex and will make you think about many things: the environment, the needs of your species, the food chain and so on. The interface is not that good, but once you get used to it, it’s actually a great game!