Opening in 1998, the year Arcade Horse Racing was released on Windows. Made by ZoroX Software and published by Midas Interactive Entertainment BV, Midas Interactive Entertainment Ltd., ZoroX Software, this strategy simulation game quickly became one of the most popular titles of its era. In it, players are able to race against each other as well as a computer opponent in a variety of different events.
In Arcade Horse Racing, players can choose to race with either real horses or fictional horses. Real horses include both well-known and lesser-known breeds from around the world; choosing these allows players to get familiar with the appearance of different breeds. Fictional horses have names that reflect their appearances—for example, Firehorse is a reddish brown with flames covering his body and Maneatingplant is a greenish blue with vines and leaves growing out of his head. Players can choose whichever horse they like and then set up races against each other or the computer.
The goal of Arcade Horse Racing is to win all available races in order to become the champion of your own stable. This means earning enough points to beat out your rival stable owners as you race through four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. During these seasons there are four different types of races: long
ARCADE HORSE RACING was released on Windows in 1998. Made by ZoroX Software and published by Midas Interactive Entertainment BV, Midas Interactive Entertainment Ltd., ZoroX Software, this strategy game has been made available to play online at several websites, including (but not limited to) GameFrog, Classic Arcade Games and Addicting Games.