Sweet Home 3D
Sweet Home 3D is an Open Source software that helps you plan your interior design. It’s a computer program that allows you to place your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview.
Ever want to move a piece of furniture around in your house, but you were too lazy to get out the tape measure and yardstick? Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design program that can help. This program lets you place your furniture on a 2D floor plan, and then display it in 3D so you can see how it will look before you make any big changes. The program is made for Linux, but it’s available on Windows, too (though it isn’t as easy to install as on Linux). You don’t need any special computer or graphics card to run Sweet Home 3D, though you might want to be running the latest version of Java if you’re using Windows.
All files are available under an open source license and the project is hosted on SourceForge.
The program works by importing an image of a floor plan which has the dimensions already drawn in. It works best if you have an image with measurements in inches, although feet are also recognized. Once you have an image with dimensions (which can be downloaded from Google Images), you can import this into Sweet Home 3D. It doesn’t matter what type of file you use for the floor plan: BMPs, JPGs, PNGs, GIFsāall are
Sweet Home 3D is an open source interior design software that displays 2D house plans and allows you to place furniture on them. It even allows you to visualize the rooms in 3D from any angle, which makes it easy to plan furniture placement. It can be used with any type of computer: Windows, Mac, and Linux.